A Day at the Beach

Alex: Today we didn’t have as long at the beach because daddy’s going diving this afternoon. He is or is hoping to see manta rays. We saw 10 turtles today. They were all in the water. After the beach me, mommy and sissy went shopping while daddy was diving. I bought a deck of turtle playing cards and a red coin purse with a pink turtle. I also bought a VERY PRETTY Hawaiian dress. It’s a pretty sea greenish blue with purple and yellow flowers and lots of green leaves. Mommy bought a cool dark wood fish seaweed and turtle ornament. By the time we all got back our feet hurt and me and sissy went swimming. Today was a fun day.

Laura: Today we only saw 10 turtles. But they were all swimming. We only got a little time at the beach, because daddy had to go diving. Then while daddy was diving, we went shopping. I got a dress, coin purse and playing cards. After dinner, we’re going swimming. THE END

Emily: Today, Dan dove in the afternoon and evening so we did a short beach day. We went and checked out Magic Sands beach, but the magic sand was not there today (apparently it comes in and out with the surf), so we continued on down for more snorkeling at Kahalu’u Beach. We love that beach and you pretty much step into the water and see dozens of fish. The water was higher today which made it easier and we had fantastic snorkeling. My highlight was seeing a 2 ½ foot long trumpet fish and I also really enjoyed seeing all the colors of the yellow tailed wrasse.

It was nice to come back to the room and eat lunch and be lazy for a bit. We’re already feeling that a week just isn’t enough time. Seems like you need at least 10 days in Hawaii, but we’ll take whatever we can get.

This afternoon, Dan dropped us off at the other end of Kailua town and we shopped and wandered our way back to our condo while he headed off to dive. The farmers market was where we found treasures. The girls each got a Hawaiian dress and a little beaded coin purse with a turtle on it and I found a lovely carved Christmas ornament. It was fun to have a girls’ afternoon.


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