Final days at Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and on to Idaho Falls

Friday, we drove the lower loop road of Yellowstone. We started the day with some scenic drives and got some nice pictures of Firehole Falls. I just love to sit by the falls – I find it very meditative.

Next up was the geyser area. It turns out that we all have a limited threshold for the thermal stuff. Or it could be that it was already late morning, hot and crowded. We attempted to do Old Faithful but there was no parking anywhere and it was packed. It was interesting that this is the first time we got a sense of the park being crowded. Somehow we’d been avoiding the crowds. We decided to continue on.

We stopped and took some pictures at one of the Great Divide pull outs – there are actually 2 on the lower loop road as it twists and turns.

One of our favorite things that day was spotting a white pelican floating down the river. He was so funny. Apparently they float down and fly up. We watched him a long time.

We saw a bison enter the river and swim across. We didn’t know bison could swim. It makes sense, but it was just one of those fun things to watch. They seem like such awkward, cumbersome animals, but they can really move when they want to!

The girls spotted some deer playing in a meadow. Babies added excitment from the backseat and they were fun to watch.

We went to see the brink of upper falls. So many amazing waterfalls!

Our final highlight was some great big old daddy elk. HUGE antlers. Laura realized that their antlers were almost as big as she is! They were so impressive. It was fascinating as there was a guy sitting on a log across the river fishing. We wondered who was there first – the elk or the fisherman.
So, another wonderful day in Yellowstone.

Saturday, we decided that we needed a break. So, we slept in, went swimming, did laundry, read our books, packed up, made some food for the road, and basically just vegged out for the day. In the evening, we walked over to the Imax and watched a Yellowstone movie. That was fun and made us want to come back in the winter as well. Laura was very impressed with the giant screen!

Yesterday, we got an early start with a fully loaded car and said goodbye to Yellowstone. But along the way, we stopped at a couple more wonderful falls. Moose Falls were my favorite. It was just this perfect little glen with big rocks to sit on. The girls didn’t want to leave as they were having so much fun climbing around and feeling the gentle spray from the falls.

We spent the day in Grand Teton National Park. It was markedly different. A lot more human imprint, but in many ways much more peaceful. We didn’t see any wildlife but I loved the quiet strength of the mountains. I felt like serenity washed over me there.

We had picnic lunch at Jackson Lake and then went down so that those in sandals (all but me as I'm still nursing a sore foot) could dip their toes in. Well, soon Laura had her pants rolled up and was going deeper and deeper. I told her she was getting her pants wet and so she decided she’d just wade to her waist and then she just decided to dive in! Brrrr…. Alex couldn’t resist so soon handed me her top and went in in shorts and cami. And then Dan couldn’t stand it and he was in too. We were all laughing so hard at this point. Alex chose to keep her head out of the water and Dan and Alex didn’t stay in long. Laura however, jumped and splashed and dove and swam around shrieking with glee and laughing. She came out of the lake laughing and saying “I went swimming in my clothes! That was AWESOME!”

Once everyone was in dry clothes again, we continued on our way. It still makes me smile to think of them all swimming in the cold lake.

We chose to drive through Swan Valley on the way to Idaho Falls. It was really beautiful. Somehow we lucked out and scored one of the 3 rooms with a HUGE balcony. We have a table and chairs and a gorgeous view of the Snake River. I’m sitting here now finishing my breakfast, watching the sun rise and the river flow by while the family is sleeping inside the room.

Today, our goal is to relax. We’ll go to the falls, try to get the now spare tire fixed, and stock up on some groceries, but I think I could spend the whole day just relaxing here by the river. Other folks may have other plans, so we'll see.


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