Homeward bound

We've had some requests for updates. Not too much to report. We went the Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls. There was a neat exhibit about the history of Idaho Falls with a little mock town. The girls thought the dentist looked scary! They also had a nice exhibit about wolves and dogs - Wolf to Woof. We learned that all modern domestic dogs are related to the grey wolf and that most breeds were developed after 1850. Mostly we enjoyed our balcony with the view of the river, took some walks along the river, and kicked back.

En route to Twin Falls, we stopped at Craters of the Moon National monument. We climbed up a cinder cone and got an impressive view. The landscape reminded us a lot of the big island in Hawaii.

We'd all dreamed about the lake at Shoshone Falls since last summer, so we went there. It was a nice few hours of playing in the lake. The girls were excited to have a diving board. The water was fairly clear, but the grounds could use some work. We were very spoiled last year at Lake of the Ozarks! The falls had a lot less water this year. Kind of interesting.

Yesterday we drove to Yakima. We briefly stopped at the Hagerman fossil beds, but not too much to see there. Kind of interesting to learn that there were horses here a long time ago and then they migrated across the land bridge. We took a bit of a scenic route along the Columbia.

Today we're off to Mt. Rainier. Dan has never been, kids have never been, and I haven't been since I was a kid. Sleeping in our own beds tonight!


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