Hanging Out

Now you see them. Now you don't. The big Kayak Adventure of Day 5.

Day 4 cont. - Jeff, Margaret, Emily and I had a great dinner on Saturday night in Puerto
Vallarta. I'll add the name of the restaurant once I get it from Emily. The kids had fun with the sitter and stayed up really late.

Day 5 - In the morning we hung out at the pool with Jeff and Margaret and took some shots with them before they headed out. We grabbed a quick bite with them at the pool side restaurant and then they were off to catch their flight. We took a stroll around the grounds to see everything that was here and then the girls went to the Kids Club for 2 1/2 hours. They had a great time. The Kids Club took them to the slides pool where they had a water balloon event and then did the slides the rest of the afternoon.

Day 6 - We started off doing some kayaking. I took Laura out and we paddled around for a while and then rode the waves back in to shore. She liked it and thought it was fun to ride the waves back to the beach. Emily and Alex then went out. Alex was freaked out by going over the waves to get out there, but once they got out she enjoyed it. Coming back in was an adventure for them. One of the waves pushed their boat sideways and then tipped it over. This freaked out Alex and it caused her hat to get lost at sea. The boat then ending up hitting Em. Her legs and shoulder has some bruises from her kayaking adventure. She ended up losing her glasses. In the afternoon we took a short trip into town to walk on the boardwalk and see Puerto Vallarta. When we came back we just hung out at the pool all afternoon.

Day 7, first half - Today has been about hanging out at the pool and trying a little shuffleboard. We will do some beach, probably boogie boarding, this afternoon.


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