Across the Rockies

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Yesterday we drove through the barren lands of central Wyoming and the beautiful mountains of northern Colorado on our way to Denver. We thought yesterday would be an easy day and we would arrive early in the afternoon in Denver. It was not to be.

First, we got a late start out of Little America, around 10:00 AM. Then around noon we stopped for lunch to BBQ our burgers on the "BBQ on the go". This wasn't so successful. The first one just wouldn't heat up. After an hour we gave up and started the second one and that one worked so much better. So what was supposed to be a nice relaxing lunch stop turned into a two hour drama.

The final issue that prevented us was a traffic just south of Fort Collins. We hit some bad backups, for reasons still unknown, that slowed us down. So, rather than sit in traffic, we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. After dinner everyone was feeling better and traffic had cleared through that area so we made the final leg into Denver and to Doug's place.

The girls instantly made some friends with a couple of girls that live in house that shares Doug's courtyard and we had a nice evening as they played and we decompressed some from our 3 days of driving.

Today we are headed out to explore Denver some.


Robin said…
Did you find the Invisible Ink stuff at the restaurant? On your way home you'll enjoy the slow traffic of road construction in Montana - where you get to drive on the other side of the road head on with the other cars. We think you might enjoy Central Wyoming on I-90 a bit better, at least we do. Watch for Pronghorn!
Merv said…
you need to start a little eairlier than 10 am if you want to get some where in a timely manner. ha ha. tell Doug hi from us while you are there.


Laura and Alex from Me Ma.
why are you watching movies instead of enjoying the scenery.
Love MeMa.
Emily said…
No luck on the invisible ink fun, but so far everyone has been kept entertained. We're through one audiobook and onto a radio drama. The girls have a bin full of activities and seem pretty content.

I love watching the changing scenery. There's a lot we'd like to do another time in Idaho and Utah and sometime we'll visit Cheyenne.

We've decided that 500 miles is a lot in one day so we're adjusting our plans for the next leg of driving. We're learning.

Now, I must go and google Pronghorn.

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