Across the Plains

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As promised, I've added the updated map of our trek across the plains. Today we crossed Kansas. We got an early start, out of the motel by 7:15. We made good time and were in Topeka around 3:30, including 2 stops for a little sight seeing along the way. Our 3:30 arrival time meant we had plenty of time to run to the store and get dinner before the girls hit the water slide (for 2 1/2 hours).

Emily and I found the landscapes of Kansas quite nice and not at all monotonous. The landscapes of eastern Kansas were the nicest as they had more trees and more rolling hills.

Our two stops along the way were a quick stop to see a small buffalo herd at a preserve in Hay's Kansas. The second stop was at the Eisenhower Presidential Library. We walked the grounds of the library, toured his boyhood home and the library itself and also saw where President Eisenhower, his wife and one of his sons is interred. In the interest of time and boredom by the girls we didn't do the Museum. The entire complex sits on the site of his boyhood home, where he, his 5 brothers, his parents and his grandfather all lived. His mother lived there until she died in 1946. It was a nice little diversion.

Tomorrow we are off to the Lake of the Ozarks.


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