Take to the Highway

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Today we started our great adventure by driving to Boise, Idaho. It was a long, leisurely travel day. What we hoped would take 10 hours, took more like 12 with our stops along the way. It is the magic of road trip time. The good news is that we had lots of fun and plenty of good food and activities to keep us going.

We enjoyed lunch on the Oregon side of the Columbia River overlooking the spillway of the McNary Dam. The girls were very impressed with the dam.

Later, when we stopped at a beautiful scenic overlook, the girls opted to stay in the air conditioned car snuggled in with the post-lunch movie. However, Dan and I enjoyed the vista and snapped a few photos.

Later in the afternoon, we stopped at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. Laura seemed most impressed by the stuffed bison. Alex kept remarking on the size of the wagons. She thought they should be bigger. Dan and I got a kick out of walking in the actual Oregon Trail wagon wheel ruts.

We're now happily settled into our room in Boise. We've been to the pool and now are going to snuggle in for the night.


Gail said…
Sounds like a great start, yeah the magic of a road trip... hope today was great too! Gail

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