A Day at the Lake

Today we spent the day at the lake, the very same lake you can see here. This shot is a panoramic shot taken from our balcony of the Grand Glaize Arm of The Lake of the Ozarks. Today was spent mostly hanging out at the lake. We spent the early afternoon at the dock swimming, ready and just relaxing in the sun. After a snack back at the room the girls and I headed back down to the dock for more swimming, reading and relaxing in the sun. Em joined us a little later as she was napping in the room. We BBQ'd steak (for Em & I), hot dog (Alex) & cheese burger (Laura) for dinner. After a nice dinner and cleaning up, the girls and I headed for the pool for yet more swimming. Em joined us later again.

Now we are cleaning up and the girls will heading to their room to read and settle down for the night.

Over all, a pretty relaxing day at the lake.


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