To the Lake

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Today we travelled from Topeka, Kansas to Osage Beach, Missouri, via Independence Missouri. It was a relatively short distance, compared to what we had been driving. However, it go slowed down a bit by not 1, but 3 thunderstorm. We hit one in Topeka in the morning. One south of KC in the afternoon and one in Osage Beach in late afternoon. In all likelihood it was the same storm that kept catching up to us. It made for some slow driving when the worst of the storm hit because the rain came down in sheets and made the visibility very bad, so we had to drive really slow.

Along the way we stopped in Independence to see the Truman Library and a couple of his homes. As it turns out, you can't just walk through the home like you could Ike's, you have to buy tickets and wait for the guided tour. By the time we got there and discovered that we didn't really feel like we had the time to wait for that (nor did the girls really want to wait for that). Instead we just saw the two homes from the outside. We then went over to the Truman Library but soon discovered that the only way to see anything was to pay an entrance fee. Unlike the Eisenhower Library there was nothing to see that you could do for free. As we were short on time we didn't want to pay to go through it as we didn't think we, or the girls, would get enough out of it in a short time to pay for it. You couldn't even get in to see the his grave site without paying. Maybe next time we will have more time and will go through the library and do the house tours.

Our condo here is quite nice and we are settling in for the next week. Tomorrow we'll start to figure out exactly what it is we will do on the lake.

I'll try and post another set of pictures soon.


Merv said…
glad you are having a good time keep an eye on those storms. you are lucky you are not here it is about 95 and 50 to 60 percent hummidity. I am a lot more uncomfortable in this than I ever was at 105 in Arizona.
by for now

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