An evening in New York City!

So, here we are in at the beginning of a new adventure. Our day began early in the morning and we arrived in NY around 4:15. We got our luggage and a taxi and by 6:30 we were all checked into our room at the Salisbury Hotel. We rested for a bit and let Laura wake up -- she crashed in the taxi. Then we walked to Columbus Circle to the Whole Foods there to get some supplies for breakfast. Our hotel room has a little fridge, microwave and sink which is very handy. Our plan was to get dinner at Whole Foods, grab our groceries and settle in for the night.

Well, Whole Foods on a Sunday evening in the middle of New York is a totally different experience! It was PACKED. The lines were so long that there was a guy holding a big sign saying "Express line here." The lines wound all through the store. We weren't prepared to wade through so many people to make our dinner selections so we decided we'd grab our groceries and stop at a little restaurant on the way back as we'd passed about half a dozen. The line moved quickly and we had fun admiring the cool double decker carts -- little baskets on top and bottom rather than one big long one. Alex liked the wheeled baskets.

We stopped at a cute little place for dinner, but it turned out that they were out of almost everything we wanted and it ended up being a little more gourmet than the girls like. (what is that?!) The girls were tired and sitting in a restaurant was a challenge. However, we managed to get dinner and Alex really liked the thin pizza she had with fresh mozzarella on top and even ate the arugula bits. Laura was very tired and just wanted to finish her sandwich from lunch at the hotel room. Back in the hotel I discovered that 5 local places deliver to the hotel room! So, we may take that option some.

Alex's comment for the evening, "Everything here is so tall!"


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