This and That in New York

Well, this morning we all slept in late and had a lazy morning. We finally headed out sometime after 10:00 and headed to Macy’s. It is HUGE! It just goes on and on and on. 9 floors worth, multiple buildings. However, we found earmuffs for me and gloves for Laura and so with everyone warmer, we headed to Battery Park.
We were able to see the Statue of Liberty from there, but it was so cold on the water and a ferry ride just sounded miserable. The girls, particularly Laura, were very disappointed, but at least they got to see it even if from a distance. Guess we’ll have to come back!

After fueling up at lunch, we headed to the World Trade Center site. There isn’t much to see at the moment as it is all under construction, but there were some nice boards with information and a drawing of the plans for the site in future.
Next, we visited Grand Central Station. It is so shiny and bright and big. 117 tracks! It was fun to see and it still feels bustling.

I was very tired and cold at this point, so we returned to the hotel and I napped while Dan and the girls went and played in Central Park.

We had dinner at a little diner called Park Cafe so that Laura could get Breakfast for Dinner and then went to the Lion King.


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