Grease Is The Word!

A quick post to catch people up on the trip. We'll fill out more about yesterday tonight.

Our day started by a trip on the Subway downtown, the R train. The girls though there first subway ride was very cool, even though when the first train arrived it sort of freaked Laura out because it caught her by surprise. When we got off the train downtown near Battery Park it was super windy. We decided to bag our trip to the Statue of Liberty for the day and do it Thursday and instead do the Metropolitan Museum of Art instead. We did walk a few blocks to see Trinity Church and Wall Street. One of the biggest differences between Downtown and Midtown is that the streets downtown are much smaller than midtown. We then hopped the #4 Express up to he Eastside and got off near the Met.

We spent a good four hours at the Met. Emily can fill in more on the Met later.

In the evening we went to see our first Broadway show, Grease. The show was spectacular. The singing and dancing were amazaing. The sets were phenomenal and the acoustics of the theatre are better than anytthing I've experienced in Seattle. The girls thought it was the best show ever. They are now listening to the cast recording soundtrack as we get ready to go see the Empire State Building.

Emily's Update on Tuesday

So, Tuesday morning we got up and took the subway. It was kind of fascinating to see it through the girls eyes. We rode downtown and were hoping to take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty, but when we got there it was REALLY windy and COLD. So, we abandoned that and made a new plan. Since we were right there, we went and walked through Trinity Church. It is so beautiful and quiet inside.
Next, we hopped on the subway and went to the Met. Everyone wanted to see the Egyptian exhibit so we did that first. It was very cool. Laura was amazed that they’d brought all the things from Egypt and I must admit the Temple of Dendur transported block by block and reassembled in the museum is pretty amazing. Both girls really wanted to see a mummy and both had lots of little bits of information they’d learned in school.

At the end of the Egyptian exhibit, we wandered through the American exhibit only to discover that it is a dead end, so we reversed and then headed to lunch. After lunch we spent some time looking for a statue that had been in a book Alex read that takes place in the museum. We couldn’t find it and after quite a bit of searching, we tried something else. We saw lots of amazing things along the way though!
I’d had each girl pick out 3 postcards at the museum store at the beginning of the day, so we went to search for those pieces of art. We had 2 Van Goghs and a Manet to find so we headed to the European painting. Laura found her first piece right away and was happy as a clam. There we met a lovely guard who chatted with us and pointed us in the right direction for the others. We also asked her about the statue and she knew all about the book and explained that the museum has changed a lot since then. The statue is no longer there. No wonder we couldn’t find it. It was neat to get info from her though. We continued on our way and found all but one remaining work of art, but Laura had chosen a Chinese painting and the Chinese wing was under renovation.

The museum is massive and we got lost several times as the maps they give you are very general, so it can be hard to figure out where you are and how to get to where you want to go. It has taken us a while to adjust to the sheer volume of people everywhere. It is one thing to know there are lots of people in NY, but quite another to be here.

By this point, it was mid-afternoon and we were tired with sore feet, so we headed out. We thought it seemed faster to walk back, but it was a long walk. However, it was neat to walk along 5th Avenue with the park on one side and city on the other. Just before we turned, we saw FAO Schwartz, so we went in and checked that out. Laura wanted to take home the giant stuffed elephant.
We kicked back in the hotel and rested for a while and then got dressed and went to dinner at a fancy diner before our show. Grease was phenomenal. It was different from any of the other productions we’ve seen before and had so much energy. I loved how it was much more of an ensemble piece. The girls grinned through the whole thing. When I asked them at the end what they thought, they both said “I LOVED it!”


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