Sea Days

The final two days at sea were all about relaxing. For the most part we spent time at the pool, on our balcony or doing a couple of activities that we hadn’t yet done before, like the girls doing the rock climbing. Emily & I did have dinner at Indigo, one of the two main dining rooms, to round out our dining experience on the ship. The only restaurants we didn’t eat at were the Asian food restaurants. We attempted to watch the show on the final night, but only made it half way through as it simply wasn’t a very well done show. We also had a drink at one of the lounges we hadn’t yet been to on the ship. On Friday night we had family photos taken and did manage to get one good shot that we bought. The days were fairly uneventful though.

Sea Days (as told by Laura)
Friday, we slept in and sissy turned on the TV and woke me up. So, we got dressed and went and got breakfast and we saw Nate and Julia at breakfast so we ate with them and then we went and got in our swimsuits and went swimming! And then after we swam for a little while we went to Kids Club which was boring. And then we got out of Kids Club and we went to our room and got on our clothes and got socks and went to the rock climbing wall and went rock climbing. Sissy got a little higher than me. We went to have showers and we got into our pretty dresses and went and got pictures. Then we had dinner and it was very yummy. After dinner we went to Kids Club and they took us to a show. I loved the show. It was really funny. The magic part was boring but the Sharkbait comedy was funny. One of the people was riding on the “Unicycle of Death”. When the guy was riding it he slammed right into the wall. He was going to do a trick where one person rode over the other person but they didn’t do it.

Today – Saturday. We got up and we got dressed and went to have breakfast. After breakfast we went to get our swimsuits on and on the way to the pool we saw Julia going to see if Nate was awake. After we swam for a little while, we went and got our stuff for rock climbing and then we went to the rock climbing wall and went rock climbing again! And then we went back and got in our swimsuits again and went swimming again, but right before we went swimming, we got lunch and I ordered spaghetti noodles with Alfredo sauce, but they gave me ravioli with Alfredo sauce so we had to go and get me spaghetti noodles with Alfredo sauce. After we had lunch we swam in the pool for a little bit and then we went to Kids Club. After that we went to the room and we got ready for dinner at the main dining room. After dinner we got in our jammies and went to Kids Club and had a pajama party. We had a pillow fight and I lost. Then we went back to the room and got in our swimsuits and most of the time we were in the hot tub even though the pools were warm. Then we went back to the room and went to bed.

Sea Days (as told by Alex)

On Friday, we had breakfast and then went swimming. We swam for a while and then went to Kids Club. They took us to see the bridge. We didn’t see the captain but I liked it anyway. On the way back we got to go across the pool deck and I saw Mommy and Daddy. When we got out of Kids Club, we had lunch and then we went to check out the rock wall. Daddy said we could do it but we didn’t have socks so we went and got socks and then we did the rock wall. We had to wait a long time for our turn. When it was our turn, Laura made me go last. I went a little higher than she did, but then I wanted to come down. It was fun and a little bit hard. My arms hurt afterwards. I should have used my legs more. After we did the rock wall, we went swimming some more and then we went to Kids Club. After Kids Club we took showers and got in our nice clothes. Then we went and had dinner and went and had our pictures taken. We looked at our other pictures from the other night with just me and sissy and then we went to Kids Club again. In Kids Club we saw a show. Half of it was a magic show and half of it was these funny guys called Shark Bait. The magic wasn’t much fun, but I liked the Shark Bait.

Today, we had breakfast and then we went to the pool deck. We didn’t have our swimsuits on but we had our socks, so we went rock climbing. I didn’t get as high as sissy this time. I wanted to try again later but we didn’t have time. After that we went swimming. I played with my new friend Nicole. After that we went back to the room and showered and then to kids club until 3:00. At 3:30 we went to make pizza. After we made pizza we went to the main dining room for dinner. The main dining room was very cool. They had cool statues. One looked like a statue I saw at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York except it had a crown. After dinner we went to kids club for a pajama party. We had 1-1 pillow fights and I lost mine. After the pillow fights we watched a Peter Pan movie. Then we went swimming. We had to use the room towels because they had already taken away the pool towels. We were in the hot tub most of the time but the pool was really warm. That was our last swim. I was sad.


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