Norris Geyser Basin

After two full days, we decided to have a leisurely day. We slept in, had breakfast, dinked around the condo for a bit. Mid-morning, the Blairs came by for a visit on their way out of town. Swimming and BBQ were on the agenda.

Rested and refueled, we headed off to Norris Geyser Basin and spent some time wandering around checking out the amazing colored pools and feeling the heat and watching the steam and bubbles. It was neat the way some pools had red water, some green, some blue, some had multiple colors that formed rings in the spring.

The girls and I infront of a spring.
There were many little geysers and springs that were making noise and either letting off steam or shooting water out. The geysers, pools and streams that formed from the pools all make the landscape look very desolate and not much plant life living in the area.

On the way home we took a side trip back to Virginia Cascades to get some photos.

More wildlife was spotted on the road from Madison to West Yellowstone. We saw the Bison that hang out in that area and a herd of elk feeding in the grass. Most likely the same herd of elk we saw previous mornings feeding nearby. We finally got a picture of the Trumpeter Swan that we have seen every day driving this route. In addition, Alex spotted a Bald Eagle in trees and we able to get a picture of him.

Overall a light but good day in Yellowstone.


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