Quick Yellowstone Checkin

We had a very full first day seeing the sights of Yellowstone. Emily will give a full recap later, but I thought I would give a brief summary of what we saw.

On the animal front: Elk, Deer, Bison, Otter, Swans & Pelicans
On the sights front: Boat tour of Lake Yellowstone (where we learned an interesting bit of how Pacific cutthroat trout are native to Lake Yellowstone which is not connected to the Pacific but instead the Atlantic Ocean), Old Faithful, Lake Lodge, some of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone river, Hayden Valley.

The big Bison Herd

The big excitement of the day was the huge bison herd that crossed the road in front of us at Hayden Valley. The video below is us passing right by a couple of big bison.

As I said earlier, Em will post more later, but I thought I would post the big excitment of the day.


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