Upgrade in Missoula

Around 7:30 we were on the road. Sun was shining, mountain was out. All good signs. Thanks to audiobooks and ipods we had hours of quiet on the road. Hours! Alex is so enthralled with her book that she's still plugged in. We're also all enjoying listening to The Red Pyramid together.

Stops were short, mostly for restrooms and food. Our plug in cooler is still going strong and my updated food bins are working well. In Montana, Laura wanted to stop at the 50,000 Silver Dollar Bar because the signs claim it is the biggest gift shop in Montana. It is pretty good size, but nothing compared to Wall Drug. Laura wanted to buy a bow and arrow, but Dan was already waiting at the car so she'll have to hope for that for another time.

We arrived in Missoula around 5pm pacific time and were upgraded to a 2 bedroom suite. The girls are excited to each have their very own queen beds. We grilled some sandwiches in the little kitchenette and soon will go check out the pool.

All in all, a great start to the trip!


V4Vagabond said…
Wahoo, I get to have lunch with you tomorrow!!!!!


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