Aloha From Hawaii!

Aloha!  We are settling in at the condo in Lahaina.  Laura is unpacking, Alex is napping, and we’re sitting on our bed looking out at palm trees, clear blue sky, and sunshine.  Ahhhh.

The condo is small, but lovely.  Newly remodeled with everything that we need.  We look out over the big pool and the mountains. 

We had a lot of firsts today as it is just 5 days since Alex was diagnosed with diabetes and so our first plane trip and first restaurant meal.  Everything went so well.  Security was very nice and showed me what works best for them so it will be even smoother on the way home. 

Alex did great on the plane and used her stress ball, stuffed animal to snuggle and her deep breathing/visualization techniques and did 2 insulin shots on the plane easily.  When we arrived on Maui, we went to get something to eat and while Alex was nervous, again, she did beautifully.  She is very tired and so we’re enjoying some afternoon quiet.  I suspect we’ll need to walk to the beach at some point this evening.  For now, we are just happy to smell the Hawaii smells, feel the Hawaii warmth, and see the Hawaii beauty.  The stress is all starting to melt away. 

Dan has just fallen asleep and I think I’ll join him.  


Terri said…
Imagine my joyful delight to have your post pop up in my reader today. I've been wondering how you're doing. Wishing you a fabulous vacation.

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