The Beach, SCUBA and Snorkeling

Aug 3                                                                                                              Day 2

For our first full day on Maui, we were lazy.  We went to get Laura outfitted for SCUBA and Alex picked out a new snorkel and mask as well as some stylin’ new shades and a hat.  We had lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise.  This also included Alex’s first low blood sugar experience, but we handled it just fine and the bartender gave us guava juice which helped her feel better fast and then a yummy meal and we were good to go. 

Later in the afternoon, we went to Mala Ramp/Baby Beach.  Mostly we sat on the beach and floated in the cool, clear water.  Divers went on a short dive.  Unfortunately, Nate got stung by a sand scorpion so we packed up and got back to the condo to see to his foot. 

Laura - Today we went to the beach it was super fun. Daddy and Chris and Julia went diving. I snorkeled. We didn’t see any turtles but a humahumanokanokaapoaa swam really close to me and then swam away a bunch of times

Aug 4                                                                                                              Day 3

Laura and Dan headed off early for Laura’s SCUBA class.  She was so excited.  Alex was still a little bit sad about not being able to learn right now, but we had a nice day anyways.  Alex hit the pool with the Hancocks and then we had a 2nd breakfast out and then we had a nice long nap.  In the afternoon, Dan came to get us and we were going to snorkel while Laura was on her 2nd dive, but the wind kicked up so Laura’s 2nd dive was cancelled.  Her instructor told me “Your daughter is amazing!”  We spent the afternoon at the pool. 

Laura - Today was my first day of scuba certifying. It was super fun. I saw a turtle, goat fish and other fish and a crab that dug himself into the sand. On our way out a big wave hit me in the head and made me do summer salts and now I have sand in my ear. Then we went to the pool.

Aug 5                                                                                                              Day 4

Alex snorkeling
We got up early and headed to a new beach for us – easy parking, lovely grassy area, beautiful sand and terrific snorkeling just a few feet off shore.  Ahhhh.  This feels like Hawaii.  We had a lovely snorkel and rest on the beach before heading back and getting Laura off to her SCUBA class.  Dan, Chris and Julia went out on the boat with her.  Alex, Susan, Nate, and Emily did a little shopping in Lahaina.  We found Alex some sandals and Emily a sun top.  It was nice wandering around.  

The big news of the day is that Alex self-administered her insulin shot!  Alex and I headed out to get some yummy food for dinner and then we had a celebration and swim in the pool. 

Laura's first dives.
Laura - Today we went snorkeling and saw lots of fish. Then me, daddy, Julia, and Chris went on a dive boat and I got certified. Daddy saw a turtle and I saw 2 eels attack each other. Then we went to the pool.

Aug 6                                                                                                              Day 5

Dan & Chris headed out early on a dive boat.  Dan is having great fun playing with his new underwater camera. 

Emily took the girls (Alex, Julia, & Laura) to the beach for a snorkel.  Unfortunately, Alex wasn’t feeling very well, so we just hung on the beach in the shade as Laura and Julia had fun snorkeling.  Alex was sad to miss out on snorkeling so once Dan was back and Alex was feeling better, we headed up to Kapalua beach for more beach fun.  It is a gorgeous crescent beach and we had a fantastic snorkel.  Funny too that it is just one cove up from our beloved Napili beach and yet we’d never been there before.  We finished up the night with dinner at Cool Cat Café!  We’re starting to hit our Hawaii vacation stride. 

Laura - Today we went to the beach and snorkeled with Julia, we saw no turtles but we did see a super male parrotfish; that is when a female turns into a male. The same with the snorkeling that night but with no super male.


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