A gorgeous day in Montana

Our first glimpse of Yellowstone

We had another great driving day. I'm still amazed at how good audiobooks on ipods = silence. After a leisurely morning, we hit the road and arrived in Bozeman. I got to visit with 3 friends for over 2 hours while Dan and the girls went on their own lunch adventure.

After lunch, Dan discovered a flat tire. When we were almost to Bozeman I was knitting and heard and felt something strange and looked up and asked what had happened. Dan said he didn't know. We must have hit something, but didn't discover the flat until later. So, Dan changed the tire while the girls lounged on the benches in the restaurant. Kind of funny that we had a flat on day 2 of last year's road trip as well.

Meanwhile, I was happily sitting in the shade, feeling a soft breeze, and chatting with my friends. I think I got the better deal.

The drive to West Yellowstone was stunning. The girls were taking pictures and video so we'll see if they got anything worth sharing.

We had dinner at The Gusher in town and got some groceries. We're all settled in our condo now. I am amazingly sleepy given that I mostly sat all day.

Tomorrow we begin our Yellowstone adventures!


Heidi said…
What a gorgeous picture!
Jeannie said…

I'd love to hear what books you are listening to :)


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