Traveling to Venice

We started off Friday with a nice breakfast at Hotel Gerber. They provide an excellent contintental breakfast that we enjoyed all three mornings we were there. Once we finished breakfast and completed packing we bid 'arrivederci' to Hotel Gerber and the family that ran it, Simonetta and her father. We hauled our luggage through the Rome subway system, which is actually quite small for a city it's size, and caught the Eurostar train to Venice. The Eurostar train service is a relaxing way to travel. We had comfortable first class seats with Chris & Susan in car 1. The train went north out of Rome to Florence, then east through Bologne to Venice. It was neat to see the countryside of Italy on this route. Chris and I got out briefly in Florence so that we could say we had at least stepped foot in Florence. We had a nice, although expensive, lunch on the train to venice.

We arrived in Venice at 3:30 and proceeded to our Hotel. The walk to the hotel included a walk over 3 canal bridges on a fairly hot day. It was straighforward to find the place and once we got settled an a little cooled down we decieded we wanted to see a bit of venice. We hopped onto the 82 vaporetto, or water bus, and rode it down the Grand Canal to the Rialto Bridge, one of three bridges across the Grand Canal. We got off the vaporetto at this point and went across the bridge and found a little restaurant where we had a good dinner on the canal. For the rest of the evening we roamed around Venice walking the various streets, crossing many little canals, browsing the shops and eventually getting to Piazza San Marco. We have not done the church yet but will do that on our return from the cruise. From there we called it a night and went back to our Hotel Room.


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