In Amsterdam

Emily and I arrived in Amsterdam around 7:30 AM local time, which is 10:30 PM at home. We slept a little on the plane but not a lot. We are doing very well considering it is the middle of the night and we haven't slept more than 1 or 2 hours. We will be leaving for Rome in 2 hours. We both spent a lot of time watching movies on the plane. Emily watched 3 and I watched 2. We also played Reversi against each other. Emily says she Rocks because she beat me.

This post was a little more difficult than most because knows I am blogging from an internet address in Amsterdam so is showing me the screen in Dutch with no clear link to get it back to English. Hopefully in Italy I will have more time to figure it out.

We'll blog later today from Rome!


I can't wait to see some photos. In baby news, Kiera slept for OVER FOUR HOURS last night! Rock on baby!

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