A Day in Venice and A Night on the Cruise

Saturday morning we spent a couple hours seeing a litle more of St. Marc's Square and walking the streets of Venice. We also got a little more familiar with the vaporetto routes so that we should be able to use them a little easier on our return. The additional time on Saturday also gave us the opportunity to better figure out what we want to do when we come back next Saturday.

About mid-day Em and I headed over the ship to board Splendour of the Seas. We were on-board and having lunch by about 1:30 or 2:00 o'clock. Although this ship is of the same class as Enchanment of the Seas it is still different in many ways. The general layout is similar but enough differences exist that you need learn where all the different parts of the ship are. We took the afternoon to walk the ship a little bit and get settled in our Cabin. It was a quite a site to sail out of Venice as the ship sailed down the main channel on the west side of the city so we got a spectacular view of the city as we left to head out to the Adriatic. Once we were out to see we went swimming and hot-tubbing. After that we had dinner in the main dinning room before retiring for the evening. Mutlu, our Turkish waiter took great care of us.


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