A Close Encounter of the Third Kind

View Through the Badlands in a larger map

As noted in my earlier post, Monday we went through the Badlands on our way to Rapid City. Yesterday, we visited Mount Rushmore (as well as the night before), drove the Needles Highway, visited Devils Tower, and drove to Sheridan Wyoming.

The Badlands, they are amazing

More spectacular Badlands

First, the Badlands. They are spectacular. Every scenic overlook is amazing, and there are dozens. We have some amazing pictures, a couple added here. So many different colors and shapes. We would love to go back and spend more time. We also spotted quite a few prairie dogs.

The Corn Palace, enough said

Dan and I have been writing this together and he neglected to tell you that we stopped at the Corn Palace and Wall Drug. He doesn't appreciate these kitschy places like I do. We counted over 85 signs to Wall Drug. I'm thinking they have less than when my sister and I drove South Dakota 13 years ago. Seemed like we saw hundreds then, but perhaps it is magnified in my memory. We were amused by all the corny sayings for the corn palace - Ear-chitecture, Corn-sider visiting, A-maize-ing, Almost ear. there were more, but my list is in the car. Yes, I wrote them down. We kept a tally of Wall Drug signs, and we're tracking liscense plates. I think at last count we had 38 states plus at least 6 Canadiant provinces.

Rushmore at night

Rushmore during the day

We did Mount Rushmore twice, once at night to see it lit up and then again during the day. No matter how many times you see Rushmore it is very cool. Although the girls would like to note that the 45 minute lighting ceremony was boring. I thought it was kind of interesting, but I can see how the kids wouldn't be impressed and then it wasn't really much - the lights just slowly went from dark to dim to full bright. We probably could have skipped the talk and 20 minute film. Although I liked learning that it took 14 years to carve the faces.

A bus "threading the needle". And yes, we drove through it.

After leaving Rushmore we drove the Needles Highway. This is another specatacular scenic drive through the Black Hills and Custer State Park with amazing vistas. What is really cool is driving through the natural tunnels that are very small and tight, as you can tell from the picture of the bus. We were discussing how we really hadn't had much luck in sighting wildlife when there snoozing on the side of the road was a buffalo! RIGHT there! So cool.

Devils Tower from 30 miles.

Devils Tower from 30 feet.

After leaving the Black Hills area of South Dakota we drove the scenic route to Devils Tower. The extra time it took was worth it. This route had a great vistas. The colors were amazing. The soft green grasses, the dark green trees, the oranges and reds of the hills and the blue, blue sky. Breathtaking! Then, we were also able to see Devils Tower from 30 miles away.

A Wyoming Sunset from I-90 as we drove.

After we were done doing our sightseeing, we hit the road in earnest and drove through to Sheridan Wyoming. We spotted dozens of pronghorn grazing on the side of the road. We watched the sun set behind the rockies. We tried to take some pictures as we drove. I'm not sure if anything will capture it, but it was really beautiful. Next destination, Glacier National Park.


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