Going to the Sun?

Glacier was amazing. We entered the park around noon, got a CD loaded onto our ipod with little tidbits about stops all along the Going to the Sun Road and headed out. We got to Whitefish at 7pm.

It was stunningly beautiful. Unfortunately, as we got higher, the clouds and fog rolled in and it was cold and rainy, so we didn't get to see a glacier - well, possibly one, but hard to tell if it was ice or snow or glacier, but we're going with glacier. We saw incredible gorges and streams and waterfalls and there was a beauty in the vistas with only bits of the mountain peaks showing and the fog and clouds soft around them.

The girls didn't want to leave the park and were ready to go exploring at every stop. We did a couple of short jaunts from the car, but mostly, we just stopped on the side of the road. We definitely need to come back and stay for longer and do some day hikes and see more. We're so glad that we took the time to drive up here. Hopefully some of the hundreds of photos we took will come out.

I lucked out that a friend was in Whitefish last night and she came and visited while the girls went on the waterslide at the hotel. So, that was a bonus. She's a guide in the park so she told us some fun stories and showed the girls some pictures of wildlife and glaciers.

Not sure where we'll stop tonight, but we should be home tomorrow. The plan is to see Grand Coulee on the way home, so one more adventure!

Below is the map of our last two days driving.

View Getting to Glacier in a larger map


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