A Day in Denver

Today we did a little exploring in Denver. We decided to do some walking downtown and get a feel for the city. We drove down and parked by the state capitol building. It is a very impressive stucture with a golden dome on top. Unfortunately we couldn't go into the building and tour it because it is only open to visitors M-F.

We continued our walking tour over on 16th Street, a pedestrian street lined with shops & restaurants. We even appreciated the occasional piece of public art, which we'll feature in a photo update later. We walked the whole street, stopped for lunch at the Paramount Cafe outside on the patio, checked out Union Station and walked over to Coors Field. Then, we caught the free bus back up and decided to call it a day for sightseeing.

We've been enjoying the cool breeze on the front porch while the girls play with their new buddies across the courtyard. We'll walk to a park and BBQ for dinner. We plan to visit the botanical gardens tomorrow morning.


Nan said…
Sounds fun. Glad it wasn't too hot to have a good time. Miss you all -- love to all of you.

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