Exploring the Lake

As mentioned this morning, we played on the water all day. First we swam for a couple of hours off the swim dock. We have a some swim noodles, an air mattress and a handful of soft balls to toss around to entertain ourselves with. We have no problem killing a couple hours swimming in the lake.

After that we got lunch and rested a bit before our getting the wave runner. We spent two hours on the wave runner. We went to 4 different branches off our arm of the lake and that ate up most of our two hours. I don't know how long it would take to do the whole lake as in that two hours time we hadn't even gotten to the "Main Channel". Alex spent the most time on the wave runner as she went with both Em & I. Em spent the least as she did one stint for about 15 - 20 minutes. Laura got tuckered out after about an hour and 15 minutes. The seat is a little large for her and after that long on the big seat bumping along she was done. Alex and I happily finished off the two hours on the wave runner. We are all looking forward to renting the boat on Sunday.

The rest of our day pretty much revolved around doing as little as possible.


Nan said…
sounds like a great day.

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