Off to see America

Well, actually, we travelled to Little America, Wyoming today. Jump below the map to read about our day.

View To Little America in a larger map

Everyone slept in a bit today and we did 1/2 breakfast from the complimentary buffet and 1/2 from our travelling kitchen. We decided to repack our food boxes so that our lunch and snack supplies were all in one box. We're getting so good at this. Everything is going so smoothly - right?

Not quite. We packed up the car, checked out, and then Dan noticed the flat tire. Unfortunately, the jack is under all the stuff we just packed in the trunk. So, we unloaded, got the tire changed, reloaded, cleaned up and at last were ready to hit the road.

A couple of hours later, we stopped in Twin Falls, Idaho. We grabbed a few things at Target including noise cancelling headphones for the girls who were constantly shushing us during their afternoon movie. Back in the car and onto Shoshone Falls. How could we pass up an opportunity to see the "The Niagra of the West"? So, we patiently waited through the slow construction traffic and at last arrived at the falls. It was totally worth it! "Awesome" was heard a lot. Breathtaking really. I'm so glad that we went.

At this point, it was lunch time and we were WAY behind our planned and revised schedules and it was HOT and so the thought of spending much more time outside to prep and eat wasn't appealing. We decided to do our picnic BBQ for dinner and grabbed something quick on the way out of Twin Falls. We're still not sure why it is called Twin Falls - need to investigate that. Laura says she loves it and wants to live there.

The next big stop is all about Dan - the Golden Spike. For those who don't live with transportation junkies, this is the location where the Union Pacific and Central Pacific rail lines met. May 10, 1869 they had a ceremony to join East and West and drove in a golden spike. They have replicas of the engines and a nice little visitors center there. We chatted with the engineer of the wood engine (Jupiter) and saw them move the 119 (coal engine). We all enjoyed it. When they mentioned Omaha, the start of the Union Pacific, Laura tugs on me and says "Aren't we going there Mom? We're going to have to go see those trains too." I agreed that probably we would. Dan happily shared lots of transcontinental railroad knowledge with me while the girls napped, played and watched their afternoon movie.

Back on the interstate, we were wondering once again how time completely got away from us, but we were so happy with our adventures that we didn't really care. Snacks and the mister fans kept us content and we stopped just over the Wyoming border for dinner - completely scrapping our BBQ picnic plans - instead finding a restaurant that made everyone happy.

We pulled into Little America, Wyoming at nearly 9pm. Yes, that's how much the day got away from us, but everyone perked up after dinner and it helped that we no longer had sun beating down on us. Dan got the tire fixed at the auto center, the girls and I checked out the travel center, and we're settled into a large, lovely room. It is a fascinating mix of styles here. We can't figure out how to describe it.


Nan said…
I am following your trip. It sounds great. I had to laugh when you said you scraped your eating plans for restaurants. I can't tell you how many times we had plans to eat at rest stops and then junked that plan. :) For all the times I have been across county I have never seen any of those things. Miss you all.
Merv said…
sounds like you are having fun looking forward to hereing more on the trains .

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