Out on the Boat

Good morning! It is our last full day at Lake of the Ozarks. The water is calm and sparkling in the morning sun. I love to watch the lake in the morning before the boats and jet skis hit the water. It is a great start to my day.

Yesterday, we headed out early – or early for vacation – and were heading out on our rented pontoon boat at 9am. It was a great time to take the boat out as the lake wasn’t crowded yet. However, it was already warm and sunny and we went down a little arm and the girls did their first ride on the tube. I tried taking some video with Laura’s camera. It was pretty funny because the boat was bouncing and they were bouncing, but on the 2nd try I got some decent footage. We were having so much fun taking little videos throughout the day. Now we really want a flip camera.

The girls rode the tube together on their tummies as well as solo going forward and backwards. Dan rode too. I was happy just hanging out on the boat. Alex will ride a long time. I think she’d have spent the whole 4 hours on the tube if she could have. Laura gets tired and says it hurts her hands to hold on, but she still loves it.

Lake of the Ozarks winds and twists and has all these little fingers and so we found several beautiful little coves to pull into and put down the anchor. Then, we’d all go swimming. The water was so warm and clean and it was heaven. We also had lunch in one of the little coves.
We’ve been trying to capture the beauty of the lake, but I don’t feel like we’ve found a great shot. I got the brilliant (or not!) idea that maybe video would capture more of it. I think there’s a bit of that attempt on one of the videos Dan uploaded. I think it ended up being pretty boring. Of course, I also thought Dan was going to turn and he didn’t. Mostly the trees just come right down to the water and occasionally there will be a cliff or some rocks. So, it is blue water and then green trees. I don’t know what kind of trees, but different from home. The Ozarks are soft rolling hills all covered with puffy green trees. As a kid, I drew trees by making the trunk and then a puffy round on top – that’s what these trees are like from a distance. OK, I give up. You’ll just have to come and see for yourself.

Anyways, the 4 hours on the boat was up all too soon. Then, we all returned to our plan of doing as little as possible, worn out from all the sun and water fun of the morning. I’m almost out of books which is the mark of a great vacation for me. I think Laura and Dan are on their 2nd or 3rd books. Alex is on her 8th or something crazy like that.

We took a drive through the Lake of the Ozarks State Park later in the evening. It is a huge, beautifully maintained park. We wanted to check out the public access, but we decided it isn’t any better than our swim dock, so that is most likely where you’ll find us today. We’ll be soaking up as much of the lake as possible.

Be sure to check out our videos of our boating trip.

Alex Tubing

Dan Tubing

The Girls Tubing

Footage on the Boat


Merv said…
cool pics
Gail said…
Oh how beautiful, You know I get this one. So glad you loved the boating and tubing.

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