Riding through the "smoke"
Getting ready to ride
A view from Cades Cove.
This morning we got up early and packed up some food and headed to Cades Cove in the park.  On Wednesdays and Saturdays, they close this 11 mile loop to cars until 10am.  We rented bicycles and headed out.  It was so gorgeous!  There was a soft fog that lifted as the morning went on.  Lovely valleys, wooded areas, and historic

first wild life of the ride.
homes.  It took a long time as we stopped to see deer, admire the views, and watch more bears!  We hadn’t gone far when we
The bears!
A deer that looked surprised to see us.
discovered 4 bears (mom and 3 cubs) up in a cherry tree.  We watched them a long time and took pictures.  It was fun to watch them shake the branches and climb.  Finally, we decided to continue on our way.  Later on we discovered another tree with 3 more bears.  We got even better views this time.  The girls were in heaven.  A park volunteer  told Laura that she got to bottle feed 5 week old bear cubs whose mother had died and Laura thought that sounded so amazing that she started planning a future career as a park ranger.  It was a lot of up and down on the ride and we were all pretty worn out at the end, but so so glad we did this.  Probably one of the most amazing things we’ve ever done as a family.

A view of Cades Cove on the ride
One of our stops.
At Laurel Falls.
After turning in the bikes, checking out the gift shop and getting some soft serve, we tumbled back into the car and took the scenic drive back towards home.  This park is breathtakingly beautiful!  We stopped for a
Laurel Falls
A random roadside falls
couple of lovely waterfalls and then took a hike to Laurel Falls.  They were impressive (and quite popular!), but we sort of wish we’d known that the 2.6 mile round trip “easy” hike was pretty much all uphill to the falls.  At least coming down was easy.  Our legs are pretty tired after the biking and hiking.  On paper it seems like it should be very doable, but in reality, we’re worn out!
Sleeping Beauty #2
Sleeping Beauty #1
At that point we decided to head back to our room and currently both girls are sound asleep and we are all enjoying some quiet, down time.  Tomorrow we do the Biltmore and then 3 days of more park adventures!


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