Two days in New Orleans, day 2

On Wednesday we set out in the morning to tour the Garden District. We started by getting breakfast at the Trolley Stop Cafe. After our breakfast we headed towards the GD. The book mentioned large properties right on St. Charles Street but we hadn't seen any yet. Once we got a few blocks past our hotel then the commercial properties stopped and the large old homes started. We walked the GD for about an hour and a half and saw some beautiful homes. To end our tour we walked though one of the above ground cemeteries to get a feel for what they were all about.

After the GD we regrouped at the hotel and decided to do lunch at The National WW II Museum. The museum was very well done. As we only got started at 2:30 due to lunch and we had the 45 minute movie to watch we really only had one and a half hours to see the museum. The movie was great and there was a lot there we didn't see but the exhibits we saw were very good and worth going to see.

After the museum we drove down Saint Charles Street to Tulane University. It was one of the most beautiful campus we've seen. Alex might be adding Tulane to the list of schools she might apply to.

After that we called it a day and went back to the room to get ready for Nashville.

Sent from my Silver iPhone 5s


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