Shopping Day

On Friday, we (mainly the girls) slept late and we decided to make that our shopping day.  

Laura's new shoes and sweathshirt
First stop, some new sneakers for Laura to do some hiking in.  We hit the outlets and after a couple failures we found a pair she liked.  Of course Alex also found a pair she liked, so we ended up with two.pair.  Next up was souvenirs and boots.  The first stop was Stages West, a western wear store with boots, hats and western style clothing.  Alex was in heaven and Laura thought she might die if she had to stay, so her and I went to the $9.99 and under souvenir store near by.

The new boots
At the country store Alex found a beautiful pair of boots and shirt that she decided to spend her house sitting money on.  The boots are beautiful and the shirt looks great on her, so she was pleased if not a little in shock on how much she spent on the boots.  They are made by Old Gringo, so they should be good and should last a long time.

My new cap, and Laura photo bombing me.
At the cheap souvenir store Laura found a Smoky Mountains sweatshirt and I found a cool new cap, each only $9.99.  We definitely were the bargain shoppers.

We capped off the day by hitting "The Incredible Christmas Place", the largest Christmas shop in the south. It's so big it actually also has it's own motor inn  We found Laura her Christmas ornament for the year and a Christmas puzzle to try and do in November and December.

After that, we hit the pool and called it a day.


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